August 29-30, 2017 Chicago, IL
Who Should Attend?
This two-day workshop is critical for any denominational, associational or network leader to understand how new churches impact the legacy of your organization. Whether you are a national, regional or local church planting leader you will gain a wealth of knowledge and practical insights from Gary Rohrmayer and Steve Pike.
What will you learn?
Planting a new church is one thing but providing leadership for a church planting movement is a whole other ball game. Join Gary Rohrmayer and Steve Pike as they walk you and your team through the why’s and how to’s of movement leadership.
- How do you ignite a new movement of churches in an older organization?
- How do you create a spiritual atmosphere for multiplication?
- How do you develop a pipeline of new church planters?
- How do you assess church planting couples?
- How do you ignite a self-funding church planting movement?
- How do you train and coach your church planters?
- How do you resource churches to plant churches?
Gary Rohrmayer
Gary has served on every level of church planting from a church-planting intern, pioneer church planter to a national director of church planting. After pioneering a church plant with his wife Mary, he assisted in planting 17 churches in 10 years in southeastern Wisconsin.
In 1998 Gary was asked to bring a new sense of energy and vision to a regional network within Converge that was in decline for 10 years. In the last 15 years Converge MidAmerica has grown from 86 churches to over 220. This new movement of churches has revolutionized this 165-year-old organization on all levels.
In 2006 Gary was ask to provide national leadership to Converge Church Planting where he laid the ground work for a united church planting surge throughout its 11 regional entities which led to the largest number of church plants in its 160 year history. Ed Stetzer described Converge during this time as, “One of the leading church planting organizations in America.”
Gary and Mary have three grown children and live in the greater Chicago area.
Steve Pike
Steve Pike is the President and Founder of Urban Islands Project, a national collaborative organization dedicated to increasing the presence of the Church, the urban core of America’s 40 largest urban centers.
Prior to initiating Urban Islands Project, Steve served as the Founding Director of the Church Multiplication Network. CMN serves church multipliers to effectively equip, strategically fund and innovatively network new faith communities in America. Since its formation in 2008, CMN has assisted with the starting of over 2000 new congregations in every region of the US.
Steve is the co-author with Dr. Tom Nebel of “Leading Church Multiplication.”
Steve’s passion for church multiplication began in 1989 when Steve and his wife, Cherri, pioneered a new church that became the catalyst of a church planting movement in the state of Utah that continues to this day. The Pikes make their home in Denver, Colorado. They are blessed to be the parents of Lindsy and Jeremy and the grandparents of Myles, Koen and Wesley.
Day 1:
Check-in from 8:30 – 9:00 AM
9:00-10:15– Lessons in Igniting a New Movement of Churches
10:15-10:30 – Break
10:30-12:00– Overview of the 8 Church Planting Systems
12:00-1:00 – Lunch provided
1:00 – 2:30 – Spiritual Dynamics, Recruiting and Assessing Planters
2:30-2:45 – Break
2:45-4:30 – Funding a Church Planting Movement
Day 2:
9:00-10:15– Coaching & Training
10:15-10:30 – Break
10:30-12:00– Resourcing and Celebrating
12:00-1:00 – Lunch provided
1:00 –3:00 – 4 Skills of a Movement Leader
Cost: $250.00 (includes lunch, resources and extras)
Limited to 20 leaders (Do to the quick fill up we are extending the limit to 50 currently we are at 30 get you spot quickly)
Sponsor: Church Multiplication Partners. We exist to serve those leaders who are serving church planters.
Location: Chicago, IL
Converge MidAmerica Ministry Center
924 Busse Hwy
Park Ridge, IL 60086
Hotel Information:
For participants who need hotel accommodations we recommend the following two hotels in close proximity.
Hilton Garden Inn Chicago O’Hare Airport – (847)296-8900 ($129)
August 4, 2017 reservation deadline for the block of rooms Breakfast not included. Available for $14.95. Shuttle service available from O’Hare Airport
Hyatt Regency O’Hare – (847) 696-1234 ($159.00)
August 7, 2017 reservation deadline for the block of rooms
Breakfast not included. When calling in to make a reservation for August 29th be sure to ask for the Converge MidAmerica group rate.
Rates are based on single/double occupancy.
Best Western DesPlaines Inn – (847)297-2100 ($110)
August 10th reservation deadline for the block of rooms
Breakfast not included. Shuttle service available from O’Hare Airport
Register Here
Contact: [email protected]