21 Days to Increasing Your Spiritual Conversations
Lead your church is how to increase their meaningful spiritual conversations.
For many years now, Gary Rohrmayer and Mark Albrecht have been seeking to remove the stigma of the word, evangelism, by offering a paradigm shift ‑ that evangelism is simply engaging others in meaningful spiritual conversations that point people to Jesus and His message of hope.
Gary & Mark believe that one of the marks of a follower of Jesus is that they can naturally engage others in spiritual conversations. Their hope for this 21-day missional experiment is that you will be surprised in how God is working in your relationships as you learn to listen, serve, bless and engage your friends, co-workers, and family in meaningful dialogs with Jesus.
Gary Rohrmayer is President of Converge MidAmerica and Executive Director of Church Multiplication Partners. Mark Albrecht is Lead Pastor of Northbridge Church and Regional Director of Church Planting for Converge MidAmerica.
Campaign Ideas
- Devote 4 to 6 weeks to this Discipleship Initiative.
- Preach a four to six-week sermon series on Spiritual Conversations:
- Sermon #1 – Introduction to series and hand out the 21-day devotional book.
- The next three sermons can be ideas from the book to reinforce it in the lives of your people.
- Read Article – How to Create Momentum for Outreach with your team and see how you can maximize your efforts.
- Invite the church to pray missionally for their friends and family who are far from Jesus.
- Have them generate a list of 5 friends or family to pray for during the 21 days.
- Invite the church to pray for a list of church-wide prayer goals.
- Have your leadership team develop five to six prayer goals for the church for your members to pray for during the 21 days. Sample:
- Pray for a revival to breakthrough our church.
- Pray for a spiritual awakening to happen throughout our community.
- Pray for the youth outreaches or retreats or special activities.
- Pray for our pastoral staff that God would empower them (Ephesians 3:15).
- Pray for the following cities as we seek to see a new church started there to see God’s kingdom expanded.
- Pray for our missionaries that God will give them favor and effectiveness in their work (list them).
- Purchase the 21 Days to Increasing Your Spiritual Conversation books at a discount from Converge MidAmerica to give out free to your people or simply charge $4.00.
- Have your small groups or Sunday school classes study Gary Rohrmayer book “Spiritual Conversations”
- Consider have hosting a Spiritual Conversations Workshop on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
- Consider having Gary Rohrmayer or Mark Albrecht speak on a Sunday during your series.
- Share your Spiritual Conversation stories with us.
Sermon Ideas
Sermon #1 - “Praying for Opportunities”
Key Scripture: Colossians 4:2-6, II Thessalonians. 3:1-2; Ephesians 6:19, Acts 14:27,
Description: We begin with a clear understanding that the work of evangelism and the transformation of the human heart is God’s work, not ours. Effective evangelism begins with a passionate prayer for God to act, and for God to show us where and on whom He is currently working. This message will begin by talking about our motivation for evangelism and what it means to be passionate for souls. We will talk about praying for God to awaken us as well as to open doors for opportunities to be a witness for him.
Sermon #2 - “Building True Friendships” (Gaining Understanding)
Key Scripture: Luke 5:27-32, I Cor. 18:1-17
Description: Most testimonies begin with God reaching out to someone through a caring Christian friend. Effective evangelists are usually “Ordinary Disciples” who choose to structure their lives to orchestrate real-time and genuine opportunities for friendships to be formed, for insights to be learned, and for spiritual conversations to unfold.
Sermon #3 - “Asking Good Questions” (Planting seeds, Creating Thirst)
Key Scripture: John 4:1-26, 39-42
Description: Effective fishermen know that you can’t just fish into the boat and you can’t use the same bait to catch all fish. Fishing requires patience, a reading of the conditions, and a way of presenting the bait so that the fish take it. Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. What can we learn from this analogy? Effective evangelists don’t just force themselves onto people and don’t take the same approach with each person. They learn to ask good questions that prompt thought and create thirst.
Sermon #4 - “Telling Good Stories”
Key Scripture: Examples of “Jesus Stories” - John 8:1-11 (judgmentalism), Luke 21:1-4 (money), Luke 18:9-14, (Heart condition) Matthew 21:12-16 (Hypocrisy)
Description: Effective evangelists are often good storytellers. First, they are able to tell their own stories well, the story of how they came to realize their need for Jesus and what He has done in their lives. They are also able to tell the historical accounts of Jesus’ life in their own words, as a story. This prompts people to think differently about Jesus and creates a hunger to know this Jesus who seems to be so different than the one we see so often portrayed.