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Grant Hodges

I didn't find Piper's book on fasting to be biblical or helpful. Umm . . . because . . . Piper cites the Biblical injunctions against books like his on the first page? That might be it. Piper has written and said many things that all Christians may welcome; but concessions to a new "spiritual formation" that lumps Christian sanctification in with the world religions and their "spiritual formation" is not helpful. . . or correct. That is the worst thing about it. It's simply wrong.

Gunendra bahadur Bhardwaj

Dear sir,
Greetings in Jesus name
Sir thank you for briging a wonderful sermon on fasting it helf me to preach over land of India and motivated many life to have Jesus in their live .thank you plspray for me as i am serving the lord independetly in Chattisgarh state in India.

Be Ordained

Thank you for sharing this post. I found it very uplifting and inspiring. I am want to become a minister so I can preach the word to as many people as I can. I want to inspire people and show them the way.

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"Cultivating spiritual intimacy is essential for leaders to live a vibrant missional life."— Gary Rohrmayer


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